How to Rightsize Your Company

Are you rethinking your workforce strategy? The pandemic drastically changed markets. Many businesses closed in 2020, others retrenched and still others boomed. As you address your company’s needs, are you wondering if you have enough workers to operate...

Flexible Work Is Key to Retention

In a flexible work arrangement, employees typically get to choose their work location and their work arrival and departure times. They may also have the ability to schedule their workday however they see fit. But as noted by the Department of Labor, “Under some...

How To Help Depressed Employees ?

Depression, also called major depressive disorder, is a prevalent and serious medical condition that adversely impacts a person’s feelings, behaviors and thoughts. An employee who has depression may exhibit symptoms that can range from mild to severe, such as:...

What Is a Structured Interview?

A structured interview is a process in which the interviewer uses standardized questions to determine each candidate’s competency for a particular job. The questions are planned ahead of the interview and are posed, typically in the same order, to all candidates...