Exempt or Non-Exempt…. That Is the Question

What qualifies an employee to be exempt? What makes an employee non-exempt? What difference does it make? Do I really need to classify my employees as one or the other? So many questions that can cause quite a headache if not answered correctly and completely...
Create a Climate of Belonging Through Stay Interviews

Create a Climate of Belonging Through Stay Interviews

In today’s day and age, keeping quality employees can be a challenge for business owners. Thankfully, there are solutions to assist employers with the issue of employee retention. Through developing the employee’s feeling of belonging and conducting stay interviews to...
Coaching an Employee With a Bad Attitude

Coaching an Employee With a Bad Attitude

If you deal with people, you deal with their attitudes. Great attitudes are infectious, contribute to positive performance for a team and are just more pleasant to have around. Bad attitudes are also infectious and make an impact to the business that is overall… bad....