Employee turnover is simply how many workers leave a company over a specific period of time. High employee turnover is an inconvenience for your HR team, but more than that, it can cause loss of company/industry knowledge and expertise, reduce employee morale, and...
If you deal with people, you deal with their attitudes. Great attitudes are infectious, contribute to positive performance for a team and are just more pleasant to have around. Bad attitudes are also infectious and make an impact to the business that is overall… bad....
Question: What do we do if an employee is diagnosed with COVID-19? Answer from Kara, JD, SPHR: First, notify other employees of potential exposure, if any, in the workplace. You should tell them that someone was diagnosed with the illness, but you should not identify...
Question: Can we deny an employee’s use of accrued vacation time? Answer from Emily, PHR: Yes, the decision to approve or deny the use of accrued vacation time is up to you, assuming you do so in a consistent and non-discriminatory manner. It would be acceptable, for...
Question: What should I do if my employee discloses that their family member or roommate has COVID-19? Answer from Megan, SPHR, JD: Employees who have come within six feet of someone who is infected should self-quarantine for 14 days after their last exposure per the...
Question: We are reopening after business closure due to COVID-19. Can we bring some employees back, but not others? Answer from Kyle, PHR: Yes. If you are recalling some positions, but not others, you should document the business reasons why only those positions...